Saturday, January 24, 2009

neat neat neat neat neat

If you're in Montreal you should come to this show next Thursday (January the 29th)!

It's the official cassette (YES!)launch for one of my favoritest new bands, Grand Trine: (the cassette is put out by CAMPAIGN FOR INFINITY records - check em out, they're on my link list).

Also playing are The Other Thing:, and my band, Dead Wife.

Oh, yeah, the poster is by Tobias Rochman(of Grand Trine) and Cosmic Bubblegums

cool cool cooll

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Here is a sketch for one print of a series I am working on (or, um, procrastinating on):

I guess that the subject matter comes as no surprise.

and NO, those are not weird skin tags all over her face, they are going to be baby blue droplets of sweat! yum yum.

This is a sketch for the Dead Wife animated series (coming v v soon):

(click to see the whole thing)

Monday, January 12, 2009


I play guitar in a punk band called DEAD WIFE, with my friends Walter K Scott, Trashley, and Rebecca. We just put our first demos out on the internet. Here is our myspace address:

Monday, January 5, 2009